Patience is the ability to wait on something without screaming , waiting without complaining. In this day and age ,we do not want to wait. We want our order now.We want to be texted back now .We want to be answered right now !
I am waiting on my cell phone battery to charge . It is not working right . It forces me to focus on something else, like write this blog . So I wait .i feel conviction from the Holy Spirit . Cor 13 it says Love is patient . Maybe that is why the divorce rate is so high?
How patient are we to pray and pray and pray and not give up ?When we suffer or perceive suffering , we want it to hurry up and be over .I read the book of Job . I am amazed how his friends treated him . Not with patience .Or could you be waiting for God to answer your prayers. ?You ask , why won't he heal me ? Why did my love one die?The scripture says we are to be patient in affliction .
It makes me curious what is God trying to show me or teach me ? No wonder they say patience is a virtue . It could be patience in traffic , the child that has asked you that same question ten times .Or waiting for your battery to charge on your cell phone .The aging parents with dementia .Or we are waiting on God to answer our prayer?l
Whatever it is , we wait patiently line , in traffic , with the child ,with ourself when we are chronically ill. The next time you don't have patience , ask what God might be trying to reveal to you .
Let us remember Cor 13 .Love is patient .Love is kind ...Cor13 ❤️